
How To Increase Upload File Size In Godaddy

If you look up how to increase your PHP max file size, most sources will tell you to change the upload_max_filesize setting in your php.ini file.  Well, I did that and it notwithstanding wasn't working for me on my client's shared GoDaddy Linux hosting.  And so, I chosen them up and institute the united nations-publicized "secret" way to exercise it in their command console. It's definitely not obvious or intuitive.  Here it is!

Changing the Setting in the GoDaddy cPanel

1. Log into your GoDaddy business relationship.

2. In the "My Products" section, click "Manage" in the Spider web Hosting area to get to the cPanel.

3. In the cPanel, scroll down to the Software area. If you lot don't meet this, and so your hosting is an older version, and you should try using the php.ini method to modify your upload limits.

Godaddy PHP Version

iv. Here'south where it starts to get unintuitive.  Click "Select PHP Version":

GoDaddy PHP Options

v. In the upper correct corner, click "Switch to PHP Options" (if you don't see it, skip to the next method below):

6. You'll run across a list of your PHP options, including upload_max_filesize.  Click on the value and Salve it.  If you lot are running WordPress and want to change this value for your Media Library uploads, you'll as well demand to set the value of post_max_size appropriately.

GoDaddy max upload filesize

7. Voila! The value should exist updated! You tin cheque it by running phpinfo(); in a dummy file on the server, or if you're running WordPress, by going into the Media Library and clicking "Add New".

8. If it hasn't changed, go back to cPanel in GoDaddy and click PHP Processes.  Once there, click the Kill Processes button (I know information technology sounds scary, but it will simply halt currently viewed sites; it won't do permanent damage).  Changes should announced after that.

Or, Your cPanel Might Look Similar This

If you have a more than mod cPanel hosting plan, your pages will look different. Hither are the steps:

  1. Log into your GoDaddy account
  2. Get to My Products
  3. In the Web Hosting section, find your hosting program and click Manage
  4. Click cPanel Admin
  5. Click Select PHP version

half dozen. Click Options at the top:

7. You'll see all of the PHP settings on this page!

cPanel memory settings

Still Not Seeing It? Attempt This

I take a client with GoDaddy Business Enterprise shared hosting for which the in a higher place procedure did not work.  As well, older accounts don't have the option to modify the upload size in cPanel at all.

For these accounts, you'll take to manually add together a php.ini file to your hosting directory'due south root. I'm referring to the very top level, not your site's directory.  You can create the file using the file manager or a client like Filezilla.

Once you create it (or if information technology is already there),  add "upload_max_filesize=12M" (or whatever you want it to be) on a new line in the file. Near likely yous'll also want to set "post_max_size = 12M" as well.

Let me know if either of these worked for you! – Brian


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