
How To Upload Specific Album From Itunes To Google Play Music


iTunes is loved by many and is great for managing your music library. You lot can even sync your iPhone, iPod and iPad with your iTunes library so that you can access all your music on any device. Any, except Androids... If y'all have an Android phone, you lot'll know that yous can't sync your iTunes library with it - iTunes doesn't allow it.

However, all is not lost! This commodity will introduce you lot to 3 methods you tin can utilize to transfer music from iTunes to Android.

Quick bound to each method using the links below:

  • Droid Transfer
  • Manual music direction
  • Google Play Music
  • Comparison & Summary

Method 1: Droid Transfer

First up is the all-in-one tool that will cover all your Android management needs - Droid Transfer. This popular tool provides the ability to copy Music, Messages, Contacts, Photos and more from Android to PC. It even lets yous sync music from iTunes to your Android. Dissimilar other methods, Droid Transfer will let you know exactly what music is in iTunes and what is on your Android, and then you don't have to worry near losing or duplicating tracks. Here'south how it's done:

  1. Launch Droid Transfer on your PC.
  2. Open the gratis Transfer Companion app on your Android.
  3. Connect your Android to Droid Transfer using WiFi or USB.
  4. Click the Music section of Droid Transfer.
  5. Striking "Sync iTunes".
  6. Click "Copy tracks to Android".
Sync iTunes with Android phone

The gratis trial of Droid Transfer allows y'all to transfer 100 tracks Free.

Notice out more

Transfer Companion:

google play store badge

Droid Transfer:

download droid transfer

When y'all click "Sync iTunes", Droid Transfer volition scan your iTunes library and let you know what tracks are in iTunes only non on your Android, and what tracks are on your Android but not in iTunes. You can employ this data to copy only the tracks you are missing from device to device.

If you lot require even more command over exactly which tracks are copied, you can use the "Advanced Mode". Now yous tin can tick each track you would like to copy and where to. Copy all songs, selected songs, selected artists or selected albums - the choice is yours!

Sync iTunes with Android phone - Advanced Mode

You lot can transfer files with Droid Transfer using a USB connectedness, or even wireless with WiFi!

Meet Droid Transfer in activeness:

Method two: Manual music direction

Our second method doesn't have the intuitive user interface and robustness of the Droid Transfer app, yet, if y'all don't listen rolling up your sleeves a piffling, this method tin exist great!

You don't demand any third-party apps for this method - only your Windows File Explorer. Here's how to manually transfer music from iTunes to Android:

  1. Connect your Android telephone to your PC.
  2. Cull to utilize your device in Transfer Style (may be called MTP). Set Android to transfer files to computer
  3. Open File Explorer and navigate to your Android device's music folder. Access music on Android with Windows File Explorer
  4. Open a second File Explorer window and navigate to your iTunes music. Y'all can open a second File Explorer window past right clicking the File Explorer icon in the toolbar and clicking "File Explorer".
  5. Drag and drop tracks from iTunes to your Android! Copy music from iTunes to Android with Windows File Explorer

By default, iTunes music files can be located at: your username (or This PC) > Music > iTunes > iTunes Media > Music.

Yous can drag and drib artist folders or single tracks from one window to another (iTunes to your Android device); or y'all can select all the music you wish to re-create from iTunes, right-click > Re-create, then select your Windows File Explorer window showing your Android music and right-click > Paste.

Method 3: Google Play Music

Google Play Music

Our terminal method is for those who would like to access their music on multiple devices and/or need to save infinite on their Android phone. Google Play Music allows you to store upwardly to 50,000 tracks from your music collection - free. One time you've uploaded music to Google Play Music, you lot tin can admission and mind to it on whatsoever Android, iOS or web device yous may be using, if you lot log in to the service.

This service is great because you do not take to store your music files on your device itself, potentially saving huge amount of storage space. However, this does mean that yous'll need an internet connection to access and listen to your music (and if you're not using WiFi, it could be costly for yous to stream lots of music).

Let'due south see how you tin can upload your iTunes music to Google Play Music:

  1. Go to the Google Play Store in your web browser.
  2. Click through Music > My Music > Add Your Music.
  3. If you practise not already have the browser extension, y'all'll be prompted to install it.
  4. Next, caput back to Google Play Music in your browser and hit "Add My Music". Add music to Google Play Music
  5. Click "Select from your Computer" and navigate to your iTunes Media binder. Upload iTunes music to Google Play Music
  6. Select the music y'all'd like to upload from iTunes to Google Play Music, so click open up to upload. Alternatively, y'all can drag-and-drop music from the iTunes media folder to this window.

Comparison & Summary

And then, we take covered 3 different methods you lot tin use to transfer music from iTunes to your Android mobile device. Each method has its strengths, so unlike methods may amend suit dissimilar people's requirements. Permit's take a look at the comparison to aid y'all decide which method may be best for you.

Features Droid Transfer Transmission Management Google Play Music
Transfer music from iTunes to Android
Local transfer (using PC / USB)
Wireless transfer (using WiFi / browser)
Detect which music is in iTunes and on Android for quick and efficient syncing
User interface
Music Storage Local Android Storage Local Android Storage Cloud Storage
Transfer other files Messages, Photos, Calendars, Contacts, Call Logs, Files. Photos, Files.
Stream new music
Toll $30.00 / erstwhile payment Complimentary $9.99 / per month, or free limited account

All benefits and limitations considered, we tin can recommend certain methods for certain requirements.

  • If you are looking for an all-in-1 tool for managing all files betwixt Android devices and your reckoner, yous tin't go wrong with the Droid Transfer app. It's rich in features, like shooting fish in a barrel to use and offers both USB and WiFi transfers. Droid Transfer knows exactly which music you need to sync to update your music libraries.
  • For bones music transfers; say you want to transfer a specific song from iTunes to Android, or batch transfer all iTunes music to your Android, you can rapidly use Windows File Explorer.
  • If you're in a position where you are running out of infinite on your Android, you may desire to consider moving your music library to the deject. In this instance, y'all can upload your music to a service like Google Play Music. There are different levels of subscription here, so check out the dissimilar plans to run into what suits your needs.

Publisher: Wide Angle Software


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